Loving Your Wardrobe

If you’re anything like me, shopping is a favorite pastime. Be it for stress relief, boredom therapy, bonding or relaxation purposes, I enjoy nothing more than experiencing the different aromas and sights of a wander through a few of my favorite shopping centres in my free time.

In the past however, no matter how many purchases I made during these trips, I still never had anything to wear! Over the past few years, I had embraced simplicity in every aspect of my life, apart from my wardrobe that is. Filled to the brim with mismatched items, I never felt fully happy with the outfits I put together. That’s different now.

One day, I stumbled across The True Cost on Netflix. I like to think I care about the world around me and all the creatures upon it. But as I watched this documentary, I realised that I had been very blind about the human hands that made the clothes I wore every day. Previously, I had only considered if the garment I marveled at on it’s hanger, was a bargain and would look good on me. I was so removed from the people involved in the work that went into making it. From those who grew and created the raw materials, to the factory workers who made it’s different parts, to the impact that various dyes and materials have on people and our beautiful planet, I had never once given the chain of production any thought.

I did more research. Over this past summer, I fell down a rabbit hole of exploring the impact that fast fashion is having on our world and the importance of engaging in slow fashion and conscious consumerism. I highly recommend visiting My Green Closet on Youtube for inspiration. Although I cannot afford to buy every piece in my wardrobe from a sustainable, ethical brand (as much as I would love to), I now focus on looking after my small, functional wardrobe.

My answer to fast fashion? Love your wardrobe. Simplify. Look after the pieces you have. Think carefully about where and what you give your hard earned money to. Invest in staple items. Curate your style carefully. Donate what is no longer of use to you. Discard the idea that you have to constantly consume. Treat yourself to items that you will love for more than a season. You deserve pieces that will carry you through different times in your life and provide comfort and style. You deserve to know how they were made and who made them.

I still love the experience of shopping. Be it the lovely day out it can bring with a loved one, or the time alone it can provide. But I think very carefully before I purchase. I give away countless hours of my life to earn money, so I’m not throwing it away on the latest trend or on a piece that will not last a few washes. The human hands who make my clothes deserve an intentional being who loves and respects every inch of their hard work. I also consider the environmental impact that my clothes have both during their production and the care that this garment will need once bought. It’s definitely a more thoughtful shopping experience I have these days, and I’m so thankful for that.

What do you think about fast fashion and the slow fashion movement? I’m so new to it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Until next time… ♥