Magnesium Oil: Magic in a bottle

Magnesium Oil: magic in a bottle

If you too are now singing Message in a Bottle, can we be friends?

I have had a really positive experience using magnesium oil over the past few months. It’s a great mineral to supplement if you are feeling as though you need a little boost. I hope that this post will help you if you are looking for a bit more information on the subject to get you started.

With depleted soil quality these days, our bodies have a harder time absorbing minerals that are key for optimal cell function. Magnesium is one such mineral. It’s ions are involved in over 300 reactions that regulate health and wellness within the human body. Magnesium ions help bones to break down the food that we eat into energy. One of many amazing tricks up their sleeves! Magnesium ions are also helpers in bodily processes such as the synthesis of essential molecules like DNA, RNA and chromosomes.

Magnesium also makes up a large portion of our bodies structural bases and thus plays a large part in nutrient reactions and interactions. It helps to achieve absorption and balance in the body, while regulating blood sugar and aiding calcium absorption. So it’s a busy mineral!

It can be found naturally in spinach, chard, yogurt (vegan, obvs), almonds, avocado, figs, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, banana and chia. However, most of us, are still deficient. Women should be aiming for well over 300mg per day and men 400mg. Most of us fall short of the mark by about 100mg. A deficiency of magnesium can lead to inflammation, which in turn, can lead to all sorts of health problems.

The benefits you can reap from giving your body an adequate amount of magnesium are pretty endless, but here’s a few: increased energy, weight loss, calms nerves, beats sugar cravings, relieves muscle aches and spasms, helps with sleep, aids digestion, helps with PMS symptoms, can prevent migraines, reduces stress-related skin irritations, aids in physiological and neurological processes when the body is under stress, reduces skin oiliness, decreases hypertension, regulates diabetes, combats inflammation… it’s essential.

There are some different types of Magnesium that you might want to consider when deciding what is best for you:

Magnesium chloride is most commonly suspended in water to give us magnesium oil. It’s detoxifying, aids metabolism and kidney function and nourishes and soothes skin.

Magnesium citrate is not reccommended for use. It interferes with ceruboplasmin (a major copper-carrying protein in the blood) and can cause disregulation and health problems.

Magnesium glycinate is relaxing has a good absorption rate and eases nerve pain.

Magnesium malate support ATP production, energising, fights fibromyalgia and muscle pain.

Magnesium oxide is good in small doses throughout the day and also has a good absorption rate.

Magnesium carbonate aids in alleviating depression, brain injuries, anxiety and PTSD.

Magesium lysinate supports gastric health.

Magnesium aspartate promotes cellular energy.

Magnesium L threonate promotes mental sharpness and cognitive health.

Personally, I decided that magnesium chloride was the best fit for me. Transdermal magnesium oil is recommended for supplementation due to it’s high absorption rate. 6-8 sprays per day delivers 100mg of magnesium directly. As the magnesium molecules are quite big, it can sting and tingle when you first apply, but that soon goes away after continued use. I recommend applying after a shower on clean skin, before you moisturise, on your belly, or any areas such as legs and feet that may be aching after a long day (but not after you have shaved – it BUUURNS!) I also noticed that when I initially started using it on my belly, I broke out in spots on my upper stomach and chest area. However, that has cleared up with continued use and for me, the benefits far outweigh a little breakout. I have more energy and feel happier, my eczema is much more manageable, a few sprays brought down the swelling on a foot injury, and that time of month has become less of an emotional roller coaster. It’s also a relaxing evening routine, to spay a few drops on my belly and know that I’m helping my body stay happy and healthy.

The best source of magnesium chloride is from the ancient Zechstein Sea in Northern Europe, where it is mined, untouched by modern day pollutants. I use a vegan friendly brand called BetterYou and their Original Magnesium Oil. I purchased it in a local health food shop, but you can also get it here. I will only purchase brands that make the effort to label their products as vegan friendly, so if this is not an issue for you I am sure there are many other wonderful brands out there.

So, that’s as far as I’ve gotten with magnesium oil for now. I hope that this will help you if you’re deciding whether of not to supplement this magical mineral!

Until next time… ♥